[ExI] Flagrant Self-Promotion #1: I'M DYING HERE
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Mon Jun 1 23:45:42 UTC 2009
Calloo callay! I cavort merrily, waving my author copies of Broderick
& Barnes' new comic noir crime release from PointBlank Press.
But wait--is I'M DYING HERE *really* a *new* release?
Well, yes and no. A while back PointBlank did an earlier version with
the very Australian and slightly naughty title I SUPPOSE A ROOT'S OUT
OF THE QUESTION? Then something peculiar and tragic happened with
the distribution, or didn't. An expensive hard cover edition was
advertised, but the paperback was never listed at Amazon and similar venues.
So the title sank literally without trace.
PointBlank went into a sort of retreat for a while, around that time,
but recently has bounced back to life. The publisher kindly offered
us the chance to rethink our presentation.
So we changed the title to some more grabby and understandable by
USians, then slightly de-Australianized the vernacular. Not enough to
neuter the book, but I think every appearance of "root" has been
replaced by a more generally understood term, one sometimes
associated with mothers.
Anyway, it is now available, for the possible delectation of extropes
who might fancy a crime romp complete with camel and Saudi prince.
Award winning crime novelist and critic Bill Crider generously
provided this quote, which we sampled for the cover line:
"I'm Dying Here is one wild ride. It begins with massive
destruction, proceeds to Bactrian destruction at warp speed, and then
takes a left turn that's not really a turn at all. Through the melee
strides Tom Purdue, private-eye, jailbird, feng shui master, and
walking disaster. This is a comic, crazy, original crime novel. You
won't find another one like it this year, or, more likely, ever."
Coming soon: Flagrant Self-Promotions #2 and #3...
Damien Broderick
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