[ExI] Iran's plan for their gay population

painlord2k at libero.it painlord2k at libero.it
Wed Jun 3 22:47:21 UTC 2009

Il 03/06/2009 4.27, Stathis Papaioannou ha scritto:
> 2009/6/3 painlord2k at libero.it<painlord2k at libero.it>:
>> They are framing the problem around Islam.
>> There can only be women and men and sex is allowed only between men and
>> women married. Other form are prohibited and must be punished.
>> They consider homosexuality a disorder where the person have the wrong body.
>> They never considered (as would be blasphemous) that there could be
>> different inclinations than the canonical ones. They fix the body problem so
>> the new woman can have legal sex with a man, if he will marry her before.
> But as discussed, Christianity has had the same taboos, which have
> been enshrined in laws prohibiting and severely punishing "unnatural"
> sexual behaviour, same as in the Islamic countries. It's just that the
> process of secularisation is further advanced in the West.

It is just that in Christianity there is the example of Jesus and Mary 
Magdalene and his exhortation "Go and never sin again", where the 
similar example in Islam have to do with a man that went to Muhammad to 
confess his sin (conjugal infidelity), Muhammad three times pretended to 
not hear nothing and the fourth he condemned the man to be killed.

I leave to the readers the type of religious interpretations and 
religious laws that can be derived from two so different episodes.

For help, in Islamic law, is someone confess four times the same crime, 
it is the same as four witness testify against him.

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