[ExI] Iran's plan for their gay population

painlord2k at libero.it painlord2k at libero.it
Fri Jun 5 17:15:32 UTC 2009

Il 04/06/2009 12.28, Stefano Vaj ha scritto:
> 2009/6/4 painlord2k at libero.it<painlord2k at libero.it>:
>> Il 03/06/2009 4.27, Stathis Papaioannou ha scritto:
>> It is just that in Christianity there is the example of Jesus and Mary
>> Magdalene and his exhortation "Go and never sin again", where the similar
>> example in Islam have to do with a man that went to Muhammad to confess his
>> sin (conjugal infidelity), Muhammad three times pretended to not hear
>> nothing and the fourth he condemned the man to be killed.
> Nice example. I guess a few managers would have some degree of
> sympathy for Muhammad's position... :-)

Fortunately they don't founded religions and don't are interested on 
imposing them to others.
 From the other side, nothing prevent them from imposing a punishment 
not so stern on people that admit without being forced their wrongdoing 
and appear to be willing to change their behaviour.

Did I cited the hadit about a blind man that gutted his female pregnat 
slave because she badmouth Mohammad and would not stop to do so? The day 
after, when they discovered what was happened, Mohammed not pardoned him 
for his crime, he told that he didn't do anything wrong.

This is a precedent that prevent any and all Muslims to condemn other 
Muslims that kill someone that criticize or badmouth Mohammed.

I'm sure a few managers would simpatize with Mohammed in this too.

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