[ExI] If 90% of all rapists are men, are 90% of all men rapists?/was Re: Deuteronomy Chapter 13

mail at harveynewstrom.com mail at harveynewstrom.com
Thu Jun 11 00:33:23 UTC 2009

Dan writes:
> I'm not so sure.  If one is arguing from X is a S and some Ss do A, so X is likely to do A, then one must rely on some sort of probabilistic causal argument.  (Why?  Because not all Ss do A.  If they all did, then there'd be no argument, no?)

That is not what I am arguing.  The original question was why don't 
christians follow the commands in Deuteronomy to kill nonbelievers.  My 
point is that many of them do.  I am not claiming that all of them do, or 
even most of them do. 

Harvey Newstrom <www.HarveyNewstrom.com> 

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