[ExI] Fwd: [DIYbio-SF] We need you and your project for a graduate workshop at the Headlands

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 20:10:46 UTC 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marnia Johnston <marnia at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:57 PM
Subject: [DIYbio-SF] We need you and your project for a graduate
workshop at the Headlands
To: Simone Davalos <simone at combots.net>, David Calkins
<dcalkins at robotics-society.org>, DIYbio-SF at googlegroups.com, Denise
King <denisek.sf at gmail.com>, dorkbotsf-blabber at dorkbot.org, swarm
<swarm at lee.org>, peretzp at gmail.com

Marnia Johnston and I are working to recruit a number of robotisists,
engineers, bio artists, DIY biologists and their works for a retreat
at the Marin Headlands Institute that will take place a week from
Saturday (June 27).  The retreat is the annual gathering of the
California Science and Technology Studies (STS) network: a group of
over 50 graduate students from disciplines such as philosophy,
history, anthropology, and sociology, as well at 7
faculty/postdoctoral researchers.  We represent a variety of
universities: Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC
Irvine, and Santa Clara University.

Marnia and I will be running a workshop on Saturday (from 4:00-7:30,

including dinner) called SF Borderlands.  We would like to
collectively probe science fictions and facts using your work and
ideas to help start the conversation.  Marnia is an artist (who
co-curated the Multispecies Salon with me) and is a member of
DIYbio-SF, SWARM, and recently curated the art exhibition at

The aim is to give the graduate students the opportunity to learn
about robotics, bioart and DIYbio and to prompt them to tell us some
original fictions that speak to anxieties, hopes, and theoretical
concerns. I envision that for the first 30 minutes or so the
robotisists, engineers, bio artists, and DIY biologists would either
give a presentation about their work or engage in an extended Q & A
session.  After that each group of students will get a mission. They
will be reading Anna Tsing's "Game of Global Futures" (in a book
called Histories of the Future) and playing our own game of sorts.
Each group will be assigned a robot or bio project and I will deal
each group one of Tsing's missions: "Bring about world peace.
Overthrow a government..."  Then each group will produce a plausible
story (possibly with a multi-media slide show) that fulfills the
mission and that speaks to broader concerns in the Science and
Technology studies literature.

We can offer to give you money for gas and to feed you diner.  You are

also welcome to attend any of the other events at the STS retreat.

Let us know if you have any questions about the workshop and see the

below link if you want the full details about the STS retreat.

What do you say?  Do you think that you might join us?

Warm wishes, Eben and Marnia




S. Eben Kirksey, Ph.D.

NSF Post-Doctoral Fellow 2008-2010

Web: people.ucsc.edu/~skirksey/

Direct-line: +1.831.600.5937

Projects: http://www.skyhighway.com/~multispecies/

Marnia Johnston
Independent Artist
(650) 520-1878

DIYbio.org San Francisco

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- Bryan
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