[ExI] Posthumanism vs. Transhumanism

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Fri Jun 19 04:17:03 UTC 2009


That's the ticket. Now we can talk about it without guessing wildly. 
I see he starts:

"...the history of posthumanism is neither synonymous with the 
history of technology , nor is it found exclusively within 
philosophical inquiries into technology . Certainly, technological 
change has become a core component of contemporary imaginations about 
posthumanity. However, I will argue that imaginations about how 
humanity is transformed by technology are specific , historically 
contingent manifestations"

[gosh! just like all our other ideas!]

"of posthuman ideas. Moreover, these ideas are more deeply rooted in 
claims about such concepts as becoming, alterity, transgressions of 
boundaries and the position of humanity in relation to these concepts .

"...the 'post' of posthumanism need not imply the absence of humanity 
or moving beyond it in some biological or evolutionary manner. 
Rather, the starting point should be an attempt to understand what 
has been omitted from an anthropocentric worldview, which includes 
coming to terms with how the Enlightenment centring of humanity has 
been revealed as inadequate."

Damien Broderick

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