[ExI] Posthumanism vs. Transhumanism

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 16:34:45 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Stefano Vaj<stefano.vaj at gmail.com> wrote:
> On the lines of "there is more to posthumanism than tech and
> transhumanism". The fact that one feels the need to point it out is
> eloquent enough about the fact that most people might even
> over-emphasise the overlapping of the two concepts...

I am under the impression that, after all, most of posthumanists'
concerns to distinguish themselves from transhumanism have to do with
the fact that they might be "technologically radical", they would be
insufficiently "critical" as to the implications thereof.

In other words, transhumanism, or at least the mainstream
transhumanist culture, is blamed for its residual "humanism" and/or
possible delusions as to our ability to change everything without
really changing anything, in the sense of old-fashioned sci-fi where
familiar, and sometimes culturally parochial, scenarios were simply
transposed on an interstellar or hi-tech background. See Star Trek,
especially the first series, in a mix of conceit and bland optimism;
or again for its possible eschatological and millenial temptations.

Of course, while *some* remarks are not entirely baseless, and are in
fact the matter of an ongoing debate within the transhumanist int'l
community itself, such attitude is itself conceited and often
superficial... But reciprocal knowledge and polite debate may make
miracles in this respect. :-)

Stefano Vaj

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