[ExI] left on iran

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 11:17:08 UTC 2009

 Spike, the impression I have is that Obama is nervous about speaking out
too much because of our past involvement in regime change over there, back
in the fifties.  And then we supported the Shah who was oppressive toward
his people, with our help.  But I would say despite all that, at this point
we have the moral high ground and should do all we can to support the
Iranian people in their struggle.  And the other issue for the
administration would be worrying that if they encourage the people there too
much, that the uprising will get even more fever pitched and before it is
put down, tens of thousands of people will have been murdered by their own
government.  Along the lines of when Bush called on the Iraqi people to
rebel against Saddam.

I can only guess the other groups you mentioned (feminists, hollywood
celebrities, human rights groups, etc.) that are currently strangely quiet,
have some of the same concerns.

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