[ExI] More on sortition

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Sat Jun 27 18:46:06 UTC 2009

Dan ha scritto:
> "Rather than elections, random selection or lot-drawing of the sort
> used to form juries was the main mechanism for picking civic leaders
> in ancient Athens, the Republic of Venice and elsewhere in history.
> Although seldom used today, various lot-drawing schemes (a.k.a.
> “sortition”) could potentially solve the problems that concern
> advocates of term limits and campaign finance reform."
> From "Let’s Toss for It: A Surprising Curb on Political Greed" By
> Sigmund Knag at:
> http://www.independent.org/publications/tir/article.asp?a=323
> It's a PDF you can download and read if interested.  Again, not a
> cure-all -- just a suggestion.

You could not be aware of it, but sortition is a proposal done by the
Berlusconi's government to reform the self governing body of the
magistrates in Italy. The current problem is the heavy politicization of
a part of the magistrates that protect each other from disciplinary
action due to their partisanships or lack of professionalisms.

For an example of the problems we have with the magistrates (Judges and
Pubblic Accusers are currently part of the same body) you can read about
the trial of Ms. Amanda Knox (an US citizen).


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