[ExI] left on iran

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Sun Jun 28 09:40:09 UTC 2009

Stathis Papaioannou ha scritto:
> 2009/6/28 Mirco Romanato <painlord2k at libero.it>:
>> Sockpuppet99 at hotmail.com ha scritto:
>>> It's the right that likes to involve itself in the domestic affairs if
>>> other countries, not the left. And it's worked out really well for us,
>>> say, in Iraq.
>> Do you say that the leftist had never to do with the sanctions against
>> South Africa?
>> Maybe, were them against the sanctions?
>> Or, tell me, do leftist from US never show up very interested about the
>> Israel-Palestininas affairs?
> They are less likely to support invasion and bombing.

I see and saw much support for the Palestinians and their bombing.
Leftists didn't make much, or any, noise when the Palestinians blew
themselves up in Pizza shops or Theatres or Discos in Israel.
They, anyway, make themselves hear when Israel build a wall to stop
killer from entering in Israel, when they protest against legal home
demolitions and so on.
They are also in favour of the "right of return" of people that is not
born in Israel land. For me this is to be in favour of invasion (of Israel).

But, anyway, your answer show how leftists are very used to move the bar
around to fit their need and will.
They never stick to a measure or reject it. They simply change the
measure how they find expedient. All is true when is useful, all is
false when is damaging, for them only).


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