[ExI] Health care in the USA

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Sun Jun 28 21:44:20 UTC 2009

spike ha scritto:

> This observation is significant for a reason.  During the previous
> presidential term, we heard so much about how Bush disallowed stem cell
> research.

Yes, we hear this.
But people telling this was missing something:


""President Clinton said no to the use of federal funds for embryo
creation. During his administration, the National Institutes of Health
developed guidelines to stringently oversee the use of frozen IVF
embryos that were created for the purposes of fertility treatment,
specifically because of ethical and legal issues that go beyond
scientific peer review.

At the same time, the Clinton guidelines laid out areas of research that
are ineligible for NIH funding. Embryo creation, using stem cells taken
from created research embryos, and making chimeras (that is,
animal-human embryos) were all banned. Now that the Bush restrictions
have been lifted, the Clinton guidelines are a good starting place. And
embryo creation is still the thorniest issue.""


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