[ExI] government corruption
painlord2k at libero.it
painlord2k at libero.it
Sun Mar 1 00:27:01 UTC 2009
Il 28/02/2009 1.17, Stathis Papaioannou ha scritto:
> 2009/2/28 painlord2k at libero.it<painlord2k at libero.it>:
>> Was any government's Nursing Home or Hospital closed, their employees
>> all dismissed, because they failed to comply with standard regulations?
> Yes, although there are more small privately run nursing homes so
> statistically they are more likely to have problems. If there is a
> scandal with a private institution often as not the public outcry is
> against the government, for not regulating the industry properly. If
> there is a scandal with a government institution the outcry is even
> greater.
Do you have a link?
Because I can believe about the outcry, it is a bit more unbelievable
about the consequences of the scandal.
I know in Rome they discovered a public large hospitals that have not
its tubes (the anti-fire ones) connected with the water pipes.
Sure the managers were not fire immediately.
>>> Interestingly, this regulation of private operators by the
>>> government is demanded by the paying public, who don't derive a lot
>>> of comfort from the idea that if their operation is screwed up they
>>> can always go somewhere else.
>> Again, the "paying public" demand the same regulation only for "private
>> operators" or for "all operators"? The fact that there are only "private
>> operators" or the controllers of the public operators are other public
>> operators disinclined to rock the boat is not prove of anything against
>> the private.
> Why would the standards and regulations for private be stricter than
> for public?
It is not that the rules are different, it is that they are often
enforced in a different way. Know the "All are equal, but someone is
more equal than others".
> It's as if you think the regulators are selectively trying
> to make the government's customers suffer, just for the fun of it.
Sometimes I would think so, but it is only apparent.
I think it is an unintended consequence of the regulators trying to
rationing the services and the goods they promise to give to the people
as they are unable to meet the demand.
So they need to make more difficult / costly to use their services.
They add co-pay (2 euros for any prescription, no more than four boxes
for prescriptions), divide the drugs in groups for different
pathologies, drugs are free only for a limited number of pathologies,
wait lines and wait lists for anything, like nine months for
physiotherapy or 9 months for hearth surgery.
>> I worked in an hospital in the past, so they trained us to fire security
>> (what to do, what don't). To teach us there actual, public official,
>> fire-fighters. When the lesson ended, they tell us clear and plain that
>> would be useless to tell them that the Hospital was not in comply with
>> the security rules. They knew it; they had the hospital clean up the
>> bigger problems, but to fix them all would be impossible and they could
>> not cause a major public hospital to close.
> And of course, such a thing would never happen in a private hospital.
Not in the same degree.
Not for sure if the hospitals are completely out of the government
connections. Just now, here, a private hospital survives only if it is
in a contract ("convenzione") with the public health system. It will
work as a public hospital, will be paid by the public health system,
must give to the employees the same contract as the public health
system, select them with public selections ("concorso pubblico"), etc.
So, now, the hospitals are all, private or public, inside a political
connections where they receive public money and give services to the public.
> So the US is full of retarded unhealthy immigrants who won't abort
> their deformed foetuses.
I think this is only a part of the answer.
I think that many citizens are a bit retarded, unhealthy and don't abort
their damaged foetuses.
> This is my point: you *know* there must be something wrong with the
> evidence. It's like a religious conviction.
If someone tell me that they have developed an engine with an efficiency
equal or greater than 1 I will not believe it and I will suppose there
is a flaw somewhere.
The burden of the proof will be heavily on their side.
If I see the water going up the hills, I will first doubt of my eyes.
Price fixing and similar government controls of the economy are forty
two century old (at least).
They never worked before, so let me be a bit sceptic when someone come
and tell they are able to do them work and ask for my money.
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