[ExI] ExtroBritannia: One foot in the future. Attaining the 10, 000+ year lifespan you always wanted?
estropico at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 15:04:14 UTC 2009
One foot in the future. Attaining the 10,000+ year lifespan you always wanted?
Saturday 21st March, 2pm-4pm. Venue: Room 403, 4th floor (via main
lift), Main Building, Birkbeck College, Torrington Square, London WC1E
7HX. The event is free and everyone's welcome.
Dr Richard Faragher, Reader in Gerontology, School of Pharmacy &
Biomolecular Sciences, University of Brighton, will review the ageing
process across the animal kingdom together with the latest scientific
insights into how it may operate. The lecture will also review
promising avenues for translation into practice over the next few
years, and current barriers to progress in ageing research will be
About the speaker:
Richard Faragher read Biochemistry at Imperial College, London, and
undertook doctoral studies at the University of Sussex. His primary
research interest is the relationship between replicative senescence
and organismal ageing. In 2005, he became the first ever scientist to
receive a Help the Aged award for his championship of research for
older people. From 2004-2008 Dr Faragher was Co-director of the BBSRC
EPSRC-SPARC programme, a cross-disciplinary research network designed
to build national capacity in ageing research. He currently serves on
the Research Advisory Council of the Charity Research Into Ageing.
Pre-meeting and post-meeting activities:
Why not join some of the UKTA regulars for drinks and/or a light lunch
beforehand, any time after 12.30pm, in The Marlborough Arms, 36
Torrington Place, London WC1E 7HJ? To find us, look out for a table
displaying a copy of Aubrey de Grey's book "Ending Aging".
For those able to stay after the meeting, discussion is likely to
continue in one of the pubs near Birkbeck College.
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