[ExI] global warming again
painlord2k at libero.it
painlord2k at libero.it
Wed Mar 18 14:15:22 UTC 2009
Il 16/03/2009 19.37, Stefano Vaj ha scritto:
> More in general, I hate histerical and religious propaganda of
> obviously neoluddite tones on what is, and should be considered as, a
> technical issue.
I would also add that all people advocating policies for the GW MUST be
forced to live with all the limitations they advocate on others first
these are forced on the others.
Like Mr. Gore being forced to live in a smaller mansion, with a smaller
electricity bill, one plane travel / year, and so on.
If they want reduce my standard of living, their must be reduced to mine
before mine be reduced.
I ask too much?
It is too much to ask people to walk the talk?
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