[ExI] The Parallels and Convergences: Mormon Thought and Engineering Vision Conference
Brent Allsop
brent.allsop at comcast.net
Tue Mar 24 23:17:01 UTC 2009
That was a very fun event.
Of course since models of spirit / consciousness is my favorite topic
the discussions on that were great.
They started out a bit naive, evidence of such smart people being in
extreme isolation within such a religion and having all these ideas on
their own, and never being in an environment to develop and critically
share such ideas.
But instantly all these people, once they started communicating and
sharing at this first of a kind transhumanist / religion conference,
they advanced extremely fast. Many of them are now starting to
'canonizing' their beliefs and favored models of spiritual stuff in
general theories of mind topics like this one:
Mormon teachings have many similarities to modern views of mind, in
particular the theories that are proving to have the most scientific
consensus. (see http://canonizer.com/topic.asp/81) They are also
starting to 'canonizing' these comparisons in similar topics more
specific to religion like this one:
Of course this is all just getting started and still a bit elementary.
But I bet in a year or more, the understanding, theories, and ideas of
this rapidly growing number of people will be very advanced, and very
compatible with modern scientific and transhumanist thinking about the
mind. You know, what uploading (transfigurism) and all that will be
like and how we might achieve such...
It will be very exciting to finally see religious doctrins accelerating
into the future, being made compatible with science, and so on, instead
of being limited to and stuck in some kind of stuck in stone old book
traditional past. And also for religious people, for the first time,
not waiting for God to reveal everything and / or come down and save
them, bet getting involved and engineering heaven for themselves, all
according to their now progressing faith and hopes that grew out of
their great legacy.
At least that's my take on it all.
Brent Allsop
John Grigg wrote:
> I attended the "Parallels and Convergences: Mormon Thought and
> Engineering Vision" Conference, that was held at the Claremont
> Graduate University in Claremont, California. It was great to see my
> Mormon Transhumanist Association friends and engage in some friendly
> debates.
> This is the video footage of the event...
> http://pc2009.confreaks.com/
> John : )
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