[ExI] anti-capitalist propaganda, was: retrainability of plebeians

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun May 10 16:33:00 UTC 2009


> ...On Behalf Of Stathis Papaioannou
> > My heartburn with Obama is that he never had that experience, he 
> > didn't do grinding labor for a pittance, didn't risk his 
> own capital 
> > to start or run a business.
> >
> > His professional experience is in suing businesses for a 
> ton of money.  
> > This would cause him to see business as prey, as opposed to 
> partners 
> > with goverment in wealth creation.  He is running the 
> country like a 
> > teenager snorting cocaine.  It sets off alarm bells in my 
> head when he 
> > utters comments like "We all benefit when we spread THE wealth 
> > around."  THE wealth?  Define THE, sir.
> ...But I'm surprised that 
> you would find fault with someone who, after all, only earned 
> as much as the market would stand. Is there any businessman 
> who would not do the same?... Stathis Papaioannou

Stathis, the reason I didn't vote for Obama (and McCain either) is that they
didn't have the critical experience in their youth of working their asses
off for low pay and associating with others doing the same.  Both of those
guys they missed a critical lesson in life, one that must be learned early
and reinforced.  I don't know what the heck McCain was doing back then, but
Obama describes in his book snorting cocaine, which no one with a minimum
wage job will do, because it costs a ton of money.  Why doesn't the press
ever ask where the money came from?  Then later he was suing businesses.  I
see nothing in that formative background which would make him realize that
money is hard earned stuff, it's the lifeblood of the working class.  We
don't want government taking it from those who work hard and using it to
bail out huge businesses that are too big to fail, but are going to fail
eventually anyway.  The US constitution doesn't give the government the
authority to do that.



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