[ExI] health care individual mandate

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 10:51:57 UTC 2009

On 11/9/09, spike wrote:
>  Ja, the state's argument is you use the children who use the school service.
>  We educate them in the hopes it reduces the probability they will slay us.
>  It is not as clear to me that this argument could be extended to the
>  Christian Sciencers using those who are serviced by our medical system.
>  Perhaps very vaguely so.

As you probably know, this issue has been much discussed in CS forums.

Officially, the CS site says that some followers already have health
insurance and most probably have life insurance.

But there is still much debate going on. Immunizations should probably
be made compulsory for the whole population to avoid pockets of
disease developing in unprotected groups. (This is already happening
in towns where a popular fear of certain jabs develops).

CS seems to say that serious illness, e.g broken bones, appendicitis,
should get hospital treatment. CSers then have the problem of paying
for medical treatment, as do all Americans, so private health
insurance is not objected to, to avoid them becoming a burden on their
family or friends. The CS prayer system can still be done as well.

There is also a move afoot to get payment for the CS prayer system
into Obama's healthcare bill.  (This is controversial, as it can be
seen as government support for religious practices). As the bill is
about 2000 pages long, there is probably a lot in there that has
little to do with healthcare and a lot to do with pork and lobbying.


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