[ExI] mann-made global warming again

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Nov 26 02:04:37 UTC 2009


> ...On Behalf Of Mirco Romanato
> ...
> Apparently, the Hurricane of Shit [HoS] started in East 
> Anglia is moving the other side of the pond.
> > http://spectator.org/blog/2009/11/24/climate-gate-development-cei-f
> > "Climate Gate" Development: CEI Files Notice of Intent to Sue NASA
> > Today, on behalf of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, I filed 
> > three Notices of Intent to File Suit against NASA and its Goddard 
> > Institute for Space Studies (GISS), for those bodies' refusal - for 
> > nearly three years - to provide documents requested under 
> the Freedom 
> > of Information Act.
> I have this little idea: GISS have the same problem with the 
> data that CRU have. They are not able to replicate the result 
> and they have a mess of a database... Mirco

Ja which goes back to my original point.  If they were to publish the
temperature and latitude/longitude/date/time of everything, just the raw
data without interpreting it, then toss that stuff out into the public
domain, then we would have armies of amateurs trying to figure out ways to
reduce this mountain of numbers.  The links offered before consisted of data
that had already been reduced.  

It isn't at all obvious how this could be done.  If one has a cluster of
stations close to each other and a single remote site for instance, how does
one take that into account?  Back before there was telemetry, the stations
needed to be closer to populations centers, because an actual prole needed
to read the data.  So perhaps more stations were located there, and perhaps
urban effect was being measured.

This science in this debate is far from over.



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