[ExI] How to avoid becoming a victim of street crime

Stathis Papaioannou stathisp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 11:18:52 UTC 2009

2009/9/3 Post Futurist <p0stfuturist at yahoo.com>:
> Right, someone who is being pursued or monitored wont be helped by being
> paranoid. But if no one is out to 'get' you, and you, say, sometimes walk in
> a bad neighborhood at night, then being paranoid--i.e. excessively
> suspicious-- would keep you extra alert for cues indicating danger. If the
> likelihood is low you would be harmed but you are very suspicious anyway,
> what might be termed paranoid could protect you from marauders, despite as
> you correctly write, *not* helping you. Paranoia has a negative effect,
> naturally, on the nervous system.
> Funny, the most famous paranoid, Hitler, was not. Living in a flop house in
> Vienna, being exposed to enemy fire as a despatcher, in WWI, being
> threatened by deposition or assassination while dictator, were reasons for
> him to be justifiably suspicious. The most remarkable fact concerning Hitler
> was that he was able to keep his head from nineteen forty three to forty
> five, experiencing such intense pressure. He had no choice, but still most
> would have folded with such pressure. Hitler had a personality disorder, but
> was not mentally ill.

Yes, there is a difference between the personality disordered (Axis 2
in the DSM-IV) and the psychotic (Axis 1). The personality disordered
have always been the way they are rather than suddenly becoming so,
and they don't respond to antipsychotic medication.

Stathis Papaioannou

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