[ExI] Interstellar FedEx
Anders Sandberg
asa at nada.kth.se
Wed Sep 30 22:20:32 UTC 2009
Tomaz Kristan wrote:
> > It seems to be a rather limited view, mostly intended to facilitate
> education. It doesn't link up at all with the statistical
> thermodynamics perspective.
> It has begun as an educational try, but it is quite a mainstream view now.
> http://entropysite.oxy.edu/
> At least they say so. I am still thinking about it.
Anybody starting out by claiming to have a "modern view" of some
fundamental physical concept already get a few crackpot points in my
book. In fact, he explicitely claims that information entropy is not the
same as "real" entropy, something that I think the majority of
physicists would say is just wrong (if they are different, then the
Szilard-Brillouin-Landauer argument against Maxwell's demon falls). His
demand that it must always be at the same temperature seems to go
counter to an awful number of equations in the physics textbooks around
me. Maybe this has value from an educational perspective, but I think it
doesn't look like mainstream by any stretch.
Anders Sandberg,
Future of Humanity Institute
Philosophy Faculty of Oxford University
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