[ExI] Personality may influence brain shrinkage in aging

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 07:15:07 UTC 2010

Psychologists at Washington University in St. Louis have found an
intriguing possibility that personality and brain aging during the
golden years may be linked.

“A unique thing that we’ve done is to reliably measure personality
differences and associate them with age-related effects on brain
structures in healthy middle-aged and older adults” Head says.
“Specifically, we found that neuroticism was associated with greater
age-related decline in brain volume, whereas conscientiousness was
associated with less age-related decline.”

Bah!  And I was looking forward to being a grumpy old man, moaning
about everything.

Now I've got to be insanely cheerful about everything.

Still, the good side is that that will probably annoy people even more!

Win - win!


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