[ExI] 78 percent don't trust big government -- well, DUH!
Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 08:01:53 UTC 2010
We Italians don't trust governments, big or small. Ask anyone on the
street, and they will say that the government is a big machine to
steal money from the citizens, and all politicians are greedy thieves
who go into politics to steal money.Yet, the government is still here,
even in our country, and shows no sign of going away or becoming
smaller. Actually, over the last 35 years I have only seen government
becoming bigger and bigger and more intrusive nanny-states, everywhere
(even in the US).
How to run things without government? I don't know of any alternative
system that can work in practice. If there is a viable system without
government (or with a minimally small government), how to implement it
in practice?
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM, samantha <sjatkins at mac.com> wrote:
> Max More wrote:
>> Poll: 78 percent don't trust big government
>> Trust numbers 'rarely get this low,' survey sponsor says
>> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36629520/ns/politics/
> Since a relatively small government, even one designed to stay small by some
> very smart guys, ended up being really really big I think the conclusion is
> that we shouldn't trust government at all, no matter its size.
> - s
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