[ExI] How Big is the Ideal Government? was Re: 78 percent don't trust big government -- well, DUH!

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 22:46:00 UTC 2010

The term "dictatorship" is inherently negative, and therein
prejudicial.  One man's dictator is another's "dear leader" or
"benevolent monarch".  Equally biased is the culturally iconic term
"democracy".  Best thing since sliced bread, right?  Only if you're
inculcated with that value.  All the democracies I've seen appear in
reality to be oligarcic dictatorships -- the moneyed classes own the
government through control of campaign financing.  Further, speaking
of the US, it appears we have two cultures virtually at war with one
another, a polarity enhanced and exploited by the "elites" to
manipulate the non-oligarcic masses and help to nullify and prevent
any genuine manifestation of democracy.

"Democracy" is a sham and a scam and as vicious and destructive as any
dictatorship.   It is the wealth of democracies not their "freedoms"
which attract people.  People want to be rich, and have the safety
that wealth provides.  It's the gold that makes america the golden
city on the hill.  Everyone wants to be a millionaire, and virtually
nobody really cares -- no matter what they say -- about how they get
to be rich.  Having a clean conscience is all well and good, but being
rich is what really matters.

My point is, go right ahead and try to figure out how to structure
"good" or "rational" government, but please step back from the current
default notion (among westerners) that democracy is that system.  Our
current "democracies" are nothing but crap.  The people have no real

Best, Jeff Davis

"For centuries our race has built on false assumptions.
    If you build a fantasy based on false assumptions and
       continue to build on such a fantasy, your whole existence
          becomes a lie which you implant in others who are too
                       lazy or too busy to question it's truth." -
                                                     Michael Moorcock

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