[ExI] Stephen Baxter's Titan
Kevin Freels
reasonerkevin at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 29 20:22:38 UTC 2010
From: Emlyn <emlynoregan at gmail.com>
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 2:22:50 AM
Subject: Re: [ExI] Stephen Baxter's Titan
On 29 April 2010 16:44, Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> On 4/28/2010 11:43 PM, Emlyn wrote:
>> it bugs the crap out of me for a lot of reasons, particularly the
>> one-eyed glorification of the old days (the 60s pretty much).
> Of course he wrote it back in 1996, so he had no way of knowing what a
> glorious future would be awaiting us all in 2010.
> Damien Broderick
That he wrote it in 1996 excuses some stuff (and I do like reading
near-future SF written in the near past, it's like an alternate
history of now), and you could squint and say that the horrible
attitude toward the net was kinda ok in that context, but still,
there's everything else.
BUT, I still recommend it to any space nuts, you'll love it.
I've read nearly everything he's written. He approaches things in a
slightly different manner each time he writes. Many of his books feature giant engineering projects like space elevators. Several feature
different ways to sap energy out of the universe all the way up to the
heat death. If you enjoyed Titan, get your hands on the "Manifold"
series. Like any good sci-fi, not everything is 100% accurate, but it
makes you think.....
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