[ExI] Meanwhile in China...

Dan Ust dan_ust at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 9 23:25:12 UTC 2010

This is why they have never ever ever lost a war -- ignoring the ones they have lost, of course.



On Aug 9, 2010, at 5:26 PM, The Avantguardian <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dan writes:
>> Yes, the whole China thing has been going on since before we were born. I 
>> recall 
>> reading an essay about the dire predictions for when the PRC got the bomb -- 
>> that this would, naturally, start WW3. And here we are almost fifty years after 
>> that and China is hardly more of a military menace today than it was then. 
>> Ho-hum.
> That sounds comforting until you realize that the Chinese ideal of warfare is to 
> make sure the battle is won before the first shot is fired. From Sun Tzu's Art 
> of War: "To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle 
> of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the pinnacle of skill."
>> But, as you know, one argument deployed time and again against liberty has been 
>> fear of some external enemy. This has been done since ancient times. (I don't 
>> mean, of course, some here are willingly try to deceive, but I fear they're 
>> unwittingly embracing a fear they should set aside. This doesn't mean, either, 
>> that the Chinese government is nice and nonthreatening. Just have a bit of 
>> perspective. This too shall pass.)
> I don't think I am embracing fear nor to quote Rafal "turning toward darkness". 
> I do think I am developing a healthy respect for the subtlety of Chinese 
> statesmanship, the efficiency of their bureacracy, and the power of their 
> collectivism. While the U.S. is fighting trillion dollar wars obstensibly for 
> oil, the Chinese are developing cars with a negative carbon footprint that 
> run by artificial photosynthesis. Knowing the frugality of the Chinese, 
> they probably did for less a than a billion. And I am sorry if this sounds scary 
> to some, I am simply trying to wake people up to something far more threatening 
> to the American way of life than terrorism could ever be. And that danger is our 
> own greed, devisiveness, and complacency.
> Stuart LaForge
> "Old men read the lesson in the setting sun.
> Beat the cymbal and sing in this life, or wail away the hours fearing death.
> Their choice is their fortune." - I Ching 
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