[ExI] Blue Brain Project.
Natasha Vita-More
natasha at natasha.cc
Thu Feb 11 17:29:54 UTC 2010
Yes. This is from a month or so ago:
I think he explains what he is up to in this show.
Nlogo1.tif Natasha Vita-More
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Damien
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 2:54 PM
To: ExI chat list
Subject: Re: [ExI] Blue Brain Project.
On 2/8/2010 2:25 PM, John Clark quoted:
> "Once the team is able to model a complete rat brain-that should
> happen in the next two years-Markram will download the simulation into
> a robotic rat, so that the brain has a body. He's already talking to a
> Japanese company about constructing the mechanical animal.
A decade or more ago, Hugo de Garis was promising a robot CAM-brain
puddytat. He lost several sponsors along the way. Anyone know if he's doing
anything along those lines today? (No, I've never heard of Google--how does
that work? His own site informs us excitedly of things due to happen in 2006
and 2007...)
Damien Broderick
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