[ExI] Overposting to List (RE: Meaningless Symbols)

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 19:50:07 UTC 2010

Hi Natasha,

I don't understand about the warning.  I have hardly posted at all over the
last month or so.  And so I plead innocent! hee  But I'm sure I will offend
down the road.  ; )

Oh, have you seen "The Singularity is Near" movie yet, or "The Transcendant
Man" documentary?  What did you think of them??  Oh, and did you like
Avater?  I admit it felt like Dances with Wolves in Space, but I don't care
because it still enthralled me with the wonder and romance of a strange

I did think that for the mid 22nd century the military technology of
humanity was a joke.  But hey, it's a minor quibble.  A plotline having a
military nano utility fog devouring the poor beleagered aliens within 2
seconds flat would not have been very sporting...

I'm playing with the idea (if things work out...) of relocating to NYC to
take over my father's $325 two bedroom rent control apt. (two miles away
from the site of the WTC).  I am not in love with the idea of living in the
Big Apple but I suppose there is lots of opportunity there.  I admit to
loving the cultural/nightlife activities of the Phoenix Valley, it's just
the hot climate (and *mindlessly* conservative political climate...) that I

And here women roll their eyes at me because  I don't have a car (Phoenix is
totally a car place!).  As I understand it, cars are very optional for even
middle class people in NYC, due to the massive parking headache.

Punch Max in the arm for me!  : )

Warm wishes,


2010/1/14 Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc>

>  John, please be careful about over posting.
> Thank you,
> Natasha
> [image: Nlogo1.tif] Natasha Vita-More <http://www.natasha.cc/>
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