[ExI] University degrees (in response to Emlyn)
pharos at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 14:56:50 UTC 2010
On 1/16/10, Tom Nowell wrote:
> So, it seems our current system for keeping people fed and housed
> (or paid in some manner) and trying to harness their talents into work
> that keeps the country going (or "meaningful employment") is flawed.
> Also, the system for educating minds to do theoretical work isn't great
> - for theory work, you needs minds that understand the field, access to
> the information of what has already been done, and plenty of time.
> We could employ plenty of intelligent but otherwise underemployed
> people this way, but no-one's found a cheap enough way of imparting
> educations and offering access to journals.
You find yourself at the sharp end of the looting of the US capitalist system.
Companies are stripped bare, then closed down or moved to China.
Wealth and income is concentrated into a smaller and smaller
percentage of the people.
These super-wealthy few have now used their wealth to take over
Congress and the Fed and are now looting the US treasury.
Unemployment and food stamps for all is a minor side-effect.
Obama was supposed to change all this, but he faces a bought Congress
controlled by lobbyists.
What are the US people to do?
Voting the Republicans back in won't change anything.
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