[ExI] vampires
spike66 at att.net
Fri Jan 22 22:10:13 UTC 2010
> ...On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
> Subject: [ExI] vampires
> On 1/22/2010 3:08 PM, Dave Sill wrote:
> >> > Vampires, if they existed outside fiction, would not be
> >> > supernatural either, unless their powers are described
> as deriving
> >> > directly from satanic supernatural beings.
> >
> > Vampires are not consistent with our current understanding
> of the laws
> > of nature, If they were real, that would indicate that our
> > understanding was lacking.
What's supernatural about vampires? If defined as people who drink human
blood, such a thing exists I can assure you. Granted they are some
seriously whacked out people, and I get squicked just thinking about it, but
the practice does exist.
Interesting point however, for the example illustrates how we might theorize
some straw-man aspect of vampires that does not exist (such as turning into
a bat for instance) and then dismiss the notion based on that.
Extrapolate that notion to psi. Try to imagine a form of psi which we know
can exist under perfectly understandable circumstances, such as the
following experiment: take a deck of cards and shuffle thoroughly. Flip the
cards one at a time and try to guess beforehand what it will be. If you
have a good memory, you will score better than 1 correct guess each time
thru the deck, because the last few cards will have few possibilities from
which to choose. If you have a perfect memory, your chances of getting the
second to last card is 50% and the last one 100%.
Of course this isn't *real* psi. Like artificial intelligence, as soon as
we know how to program it, that is no longer actual artificial intelligence,
but rather just good programming technique.
So your job: come up with experiments that have a natural basis but are
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