[ExI] EPOC EEG headset

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Jan 23 02:52:06 UTC 2010

Ablainey, I do thank you for introducing such an interesting thread.

>...On Behalf Of Samantha Atkins
> ...
> > The one that came to mind with me is to use the technology 
> for sex machines.
> I suppose in the middle of online sex one's hands may be busy 
> with other things than typing and the other noises might mess 
> up speech to text.  :)...

Ja!  That's the spirit Samantha.  

> ...But then I would think the brain 
> lighting up sexually would give EEG typing fits too... - samantha

Brain lighting up sexually, I like that imagery, sounds like FIRE.  The text
so generated might be a lot of fun to read afterwards however.

I did start thinking about the details of both the instrumentation and the
software, wondering: if we put together the right talent could we make
something marketable.  Our company could even have a theme song, if we
modify the words of that rock and roll guy who was slain by one of his own
fans, whats his name, John Lenin?  The song would go something like this:

	Imagine no sex partners,
	It isn't hard to do,
	They're all out with others,
	More normal than me or you;

	Imagine all the the people,
	who need a sexbot to screwww,

	booo hoooo hoo hoo...

	You may say I'm a dreamer,
	But I'm not the only one,
	I hope some day you'll join us,
	The cash we make will weigh a ton.


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