[ExI] thought controled Third arm, (was EPOC EEG headset)

Spencer Campbell lacertilian at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 16:53:49 UTC 2010

This is very exciting news! I had been wondering about that for years,
and never thought to look it up specifically: are we hardwired to feel
ourselves as two-armed, two-legged, one-headed creatures? Or do we
only learn to do so because that is the body we find ourselves in? If
the latter is true, it should be possible to learn entirely new body
parts, which appears to be exactly what you were doing.

Brain plasticity is the best thing that's ever evolved. Too bad it
isn't so easy to unlearn your body parts, as you got an inkling of and
amputees have to live with. If only the brain had a little less space,
maybe it would be more willing to delete some files.

Oh well. Keep up the good work Alex.

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