[ExI] heaves a long broken psi

scerir scerir at libero.it
Sun Jan 24 22:47:28 UTC 2010

> [s.] Very close again. But there is another path, to be explored. [...]

There are many more paths, of course. In example another one would start from 
a very simple step.

In GR physical objects are localized in space and time only with respect to 
each other. 

If we move consistently all the objects in spacetime at once, we are not 
generating a new general relativistic state, but only an equivalent 
mathematical description of the same state. According to Rovelli and the above 
concept of 'diffeomorphism invariance', spacetime and space-time dynamics, are 
defined by the objects themselves.

Now, if apply the above simple concept to the 'strange' behaviour of the 
entangled particles, it follows that their behaviour looks 'strange' in the 
framework of the ordinary space-time made of massive bodies, but their 
behaviour would not be so 'strange' in the framework of their own space-time, 
only made of entangled particles.

Night thought for Damien, Jeff, Stuart: imagine a universe made of two 
entangled particles.  

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