[ExI] goats and gullibility

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 22:10:10 UTC 2010

On 1/25/10, Damien Broderick wrote:
>  A military remote viewer informed me when I asked him about this:
>  > Jon Ronson’s book is
>  > mostly disinformation. He makes many claims within his book based on
>  > personal interviews he never had which are totally bogus. I’m totally
>  > familiar with all of the “goat” work at Fort Bragg and it has nothing to
>  > do with any psychics. They are used to teach Special Forces medics how
>  > to treat gun-shot and other wounds in the field – period.

Guy Savelli was the Stargate psychic that Ronson said told him about the goats.
He is still around and will sell you training on how to kill people
with your mind.

There are other versions of his goat killing story around.
Colonel John B. Alexander insists that he actually struck the goat
with a martial arts blow.

Michael Shermer writes another version:
A man named Guy Savelli told Ronson that he had seen soldiers kill
goats by staring at them, and that he himself had also done so. But as
the story unfolds we discover that Savelli is recalling, years later,
what he remembers about a particular “experiment” with 30 numbered
goats. Savelli randomly chose goat number 16 and gave it his best
death stare. But he couldn’t concentrate that day, so he quit the
experiment, only to be told later that goat number 17 had died. End of
story. No autopsy or explanation of the cause of death. No information
about how much time had elapsed; the conditions, like temperature, of
the room into which the 30 goats had been placed; how long they had
been there, and so forth.

But whatever happened, it does look as though at one time these
psychics were trying to affect goats (and hamsters).


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