[ExI] 1984 and Brave New World
ablainey at aol.com
ablainey at aol.com
Sat Jan 30 19:28:31 UTC 2010
Just a thought on comparing the two books.
I have just watched BNW (1980 version) and re-read the first 5 chapters of 1984. Imediateley it has become obvious to me
that intensionaly or not, both writer left the same 'Out' for mankind as a whole. While both stories were concentrated on
the dystopian societies. The secondary society groups in each story are the real heroes. In BNW Hulxey actually gives
two alternative human groups which offer greater promise than the central focus. Firstly and most obviously he gives us
the Savages.
On the face of it, they appear subhuman and similarly static. However without the constant censorship and static
constaints; they have the potential to evolve.
Secondly and most important, Huxley gives us the free islands. Where 'men can think and do as they wish'. This is the
ideal as people who do not conform to the static society are transfered.
In 1984. Orwell concentrates on the party. However much mention is made of the proles, who are considered sub-human.
As such the party readily adopts and inforces the Newspeak amongst its members. But the proles are generally left to the
own devices. Appeased with Beer and Porn. They are ssen as nothing more than robots. So the party sows the seeds of
its own destruction.
While newspeak will inevitably dehumanise the party members. Leaving them without adequate means to articulate or even
think about thought crime. The proles will doubtless be in a far better position, where they retain a far superior working
language. Double-plus-ungood for the party.
Anyway the point being that in both books, it is the disregarded objects of contempt that offer the hope for mankind.
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