[ExI] Sigh

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 23:20:17 UTC 2010

2010/7/3 John Clark <jonkc at bellsouth.net>:
> And Mike let me ask you one question, would you believe in psi if it were
> not more fun to believe it than disbelieve it?

I read this question 3 times and don't understand it with the 'not'
where it is, so I'll normalize it to:
would you believe in psi if it [psi?] were more fun to believe it
[psi?] than disbelieve it [psi?]  To compensate for my normalization,
you can negate my answer where appropriate to arrive at the answer I
might have given if I understood the original, unnormalized question
in the first place.  (else you'll negate my answer wherever you'd

I would not believe in psi due to any level of fun.  I might claim to
believe in all manner of silliness for the sake of gaining entry to
their parties (with free beer and snacks) - I don't think I would
actually believe what I know to be untrue.  I don't think that's the
same issue as psi.  I imagine you do believe psi is untrue.  You claim
a lack of evidence supports your belief.  I am willing to admit that
we don't know.  I won't try to defend a position that psi is real or
unreal using either suspect statistical 'evidence'  or the complete
lack of any other evidence - to do so would be a matter of Faith.   I
remain open to the possibility but not open to investing money in psi
schemes.  (There is sufficient proof that charlatans do exist)

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