[ExI] Ed Kelly and Transmeta

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 08:53:06 UTC 2010

On 7/9/10, Damien Broderick wrote:
> On 7/8/2010 9:55 PM, Keith Henson wrote:
> > a project that looks like it will generate power at just over a
> > penny a kWh*and*  the front end investment is under 1% of the SBSP
> > front end.  The principal is Ed Kelly and if you Google on that name
> > and Transmeta you will get the right guy.
> > It will go public sometime in August.
> >
>  I got the right company but no obvious hints of fabulous new power
> generation sources. Can you be more direct, or is this totally embargoed at
> the moment?

Transmeta was a cpu manufacturing startup and Ed Kelly left in 2001
after management changes.

I think it is a bit unfair for Keith to call someone "way out of date"
when he is referring to a secret project unknown even to Google. By
that standard almost the whole world is 'way out of date' on every
secret project.

I am also doubtful about how much weight to place on secret blue-sky
projects that are virtually just a few Excel spreadsheets and some
PowerPoint slides. Computers are full of these proposals that will
never enter the real world. I would wait and see whether this new tech
ever gets off the ground before relying on it too much.


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