[ExI] Libertarian-spotting field guide

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 12:41:12 UTC 2010

On 3 July 2010 07:30, Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:
> Which is precisely my own position: I am against big government and,
> for the same reason, I am against big corporations with
> government-like powers, which become de-facto monopolies by bribing
> big government and lock the marketplace for smaller corporations.

I suspect that on most everyday issues I am inclined to react in
exactly the same fashion to both. The very idea of Internet
censorship, for instance, makes me instantly blinded by rage even for
the most extreme cases.

In more philosophical terms, however, while many Americans may share
the view that the prob is to limit the powers of both big corps and
big governments, I am partial to a more European (Marxian?) approach
where the primary concern as far as the government is concerned is not
so much its legal powers, but rather who is in control of it, how it
is formed, what interests and goals it serves, how it can be if
necessary overthrown by a new one, etc.

This may have to do with cultural traditions originating from the
difference between the American revolution on one side and the French
revolution and European independence wars on the other.

Stefano Vaj

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