[ExI] mind body dualism.

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 09:16:24 UTC 2010

2010/7/5 John Clark <jonkc at bellsouth.net>:
> I hate to break it to you Damien, but at the deepest level our bodies are
> fungible and if you don't like that fact feel free to rage about it if that
> makes you feel better. It won't change a thing.

It is true however that some paradoxes are hardly avoidable. Let us
take again teleport.

Imagine a teleline employee telling you. "Sir, I am pleased to inform
you that your details have been correctly received by our Vancouver
station and you are in the process of being reconstituted right now.
Now, let us proceed to the destruction phase of the process".

I would be the first to scream and run.

OTOH, if such "destruction" is an instantaneous processus taking place
prior or simultaneously with my exiting the gate in Vancouver, I
assume that (almost) nobody would really care, not really anymore than
about the idea that any relocation in space would break continuity,
and if you move by walking from point A to point B your atoms "cease
to exist" in point A and "start existing" in point B.

And yet one would be hard pressed to define the difference. Simply, in
the first scenario ordinary survival mechanism telling you that your
genes would have a better chance if you run, come into play.

Stefano Vaj

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