[ExI] Religions and violence [Was Re: Sarah Palin]

Max More max at maxmore.com
Wed Jul 21 14:46:46 UTC 2010

Damien Sullivan:
>Some of them claim justification in Islam for what they do -- but 
>then other Muslims call them wrong.  As with most other religions.

You're obviously right that Islam itself is not committing 
atrocities, some Muslims are. However, I think you're wriggling out 
of John's main point -- there *is* something about the Muslim 
religion that commands Muslims to go out and kill the infidel. Most 
Muslims don't do that, but they are just not following their religion 
fully. Thank goodness for inconsistency, in this case.

It reminds me of the great majority of Catholic students I taught in 
the Los Angeles areas some years ago. In my Philosophy of Religion 
class, I would ask if they were Catholic, central to which is the 
view that the Pope is infallible on matters of religions (ex 
cathedra). After affirming that, they would nevertheless say they 
disagreed with the Pope on sex before marriage and wearing of condoms.

(I made this same point in a post yesterday, but I never saw it 
appear on the list.)


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