[ExI] Spies among us

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 20:27:55 UTC 2010

On 6/30/10, Gregory Jones wrote:
> JAYSUS!  A commie spy, right here all along!  OY FREAKING VEY!
> They walk among us my friends.  They quit carrying actual cards, back
> in the 1950s, but they are here.  I see commies,  walking around like regular people.
> They don't see each other.  They only see what they want to see.
> They don't even know they are commies.

I've just had a look at her Facebook pages.

Maybe the FBI has a different interpretation of 'deep-cover' spies.
Her Facebook is filled with Russian friends and messages in Russian on her wall.

I think if I was a 'deep-cover' spy I wouldn't flaunt my Russian
friends and contacts.
But maybe it was a double-bluff????


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