[ExI] The entropy of Extropy-Chat

Spencer Campbell lacertilian at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 16:49:19 UTC 2010

Gordon Swobe <gts_2000 at yahoo.com>:
> Exactly, Bill. Nobody reads messages at gunpoint. If A has no interest in B's messages then A should behave like an adult and simply ignore B.

Right! So, if you have a kid, and your kid is speaking passionately
about some nonsensical drivel or other, you should do the adult thing:
turn on the TV, send your kid off to school or homework, insist that
it is bedtime or mealtime, for heavens sake find some excuse not to

Same deal between two adults. If you don't like someone, simply ignore
everything they have to say. You already know that you know better
than they do, anyway. Surely John Clark's only motivation for
criticizing you is sheer unrepentant malevolence. The only noble
approach for dealing with him is to snipe from afar, handing down
judgements from on high so as not to stoop to his level.

I don't like you, Gordon, but I would never clamp my hands over my
ears and shout LAALAALAA to drown you out. It might be that I don't
like you because you are right and I am wrong. I have no way to
determine that ahead of time, so, if I want every opportunity to
educate myself, I have to take my chances and keep reading what you

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