[ExI] Question from a neophyte

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Mar 3 01:19:29 UTC 2010

>...On Behalf Of BillK
> ...
> If you want books to read, then try these:
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Transhumanist_books>
> And, of course, the most excellent 'The Spike' by Damien Broderick.
> Best wishes, BillK

Why isn't The Spike on that list?  I realize it is mostly about
technological change and the singularity, but it has a lot of good
transhumanist stuff in there.  Also conspicuously missing is AC Clarke's
Profiles of the Future.  I realize Profiles is nearly fifty years old, but
that in itself is a remarkable tribute to the man, that we are reading and
discussing it still.

Any wiki-hipsters here who would edit those in, please?


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