[ExI] intellectual property again

Giulio Prisco giulio at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 07:30:12 UTC 2010

I have enjoyed Damien's books a lot. If Damien is forced to become a
full-time truck driver because he cannot make a living with writing, I
will not be able to read his books. So, it is in my best interest that
Damien is able to make his living as a writer.

I think the current IP system is broken and can only become more
broken. A new system should be fair and flexible for both creators and
consumers. These Australia's Public Lending Right and Educational
Lending Right sound interesting, I will do some research.

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:08 AM, Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:47 PM, Emlyn wrote:
>> I honestly don't see how any extropian or transhumanist who is looking
>> at the future with an honest eye can countenance a future like this.
>> The copyfight happening now is not a mundane economic squabble, it is
>> a political fight for our futures, and one whose importance I think is
>> very difficult to overstate. Don't accept it!
> So I should abandon any hope or expectation of being recompensed for my
> published writing, because otherwise I'm conniving with the Enemies of the
> Future. Didn't Stalin have similar opinions along these lines?
> In fact, I've just about given up any hope of making a living from my work;
> all my stuff is instantly pirated (not that this deprives me of much, I
> suppose), the conglomerate hogs only want to publish shit "by" or about
> celebrities or mashups with ZOMBIES or VAMPIRES at the end of the title, etc
> etc. Damned if I know what the answer is; I'd personally be happy if
> everyone in the world agreed to pay a tiny amount whenever they downloaded
> or borrowed something I created (and I would do the same in turn, of
> course), but that doesn't seem likely. Australia's Public Lending Right and
> Educational Lending Right is a device for paying the creators on a sort of
> rude statistical basis, and could be generalized, but of course in that case
> Evil Gummints are involved. And while it's very wicked for governments to
> steal from honest workers, it's apparently virtuous for everyone to steal
> from me, for example. Because we have to prepare for Pie in the Sky By and
> By.
> Damien Broderick
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