[ExI] Social implications of widespread extropian/positivistideals.

ddraig ddraig at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 08:17:37 UTC 2010

On 10/03/2010, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> And if they let you down, there is always those greedy heartless capitalists
> who can point you in the right direction.  They are the ones who
> consistently come thru for us in the states.

I don't really see where the profit margin would be in helping me out.
I don't have the money to rent a house (thus am frantically trying to
find a job, any job, don't care what sort of job) at which point, woo
woo I can throw some of my capital at some fatbastid and rent their
investment property, but between now and then: huh?

Glib throw-away long-running extropian joke aside, that is  ;p

There's employment/exploitation, yes, that would be handy, hoo ray for
capitalism etc.

   ddraig at pobox.com irc.deoxy.org #chat
our aim is wakefulness,  our enemy is dreamless sleep

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