[ExI] extropy-chat Digest, Vol 78, Issue 28

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 16:08:52 UTC 2010

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:46 AM,  <jameschoate at austin.rr.com> wrote:


> Consider that the first examples likely to see light will be destructive. It will require the stabilizing of the brain will require a fixing process like freezing or some sort of transfusion of a chemical through the structure. This requires two points to be recognized: it will require the destruction of the original and at best it would be suicide and in most cases would be considered a form of murder. There is little chance this will be popular.

I agree.

I think very few if anyone will go this way.

But given nanotechnology, it would not be hard to fully infiltrate a
brain and be able to read out the structure and activity in real time.
 It would not take long for a cloud of nanocomputers to learn to fully
simulate the activity of a brain while writing memory into the
physical brain.

The nanocomputers could run faster than real time.

There is no reason for a lost of continuity between running as a
simulation and running in a physical brain.

I discuss this in "the clinic seed."


PS, sorry for posting the bit about the scale of the MMO.  Read
Slashdot before extropy-chat this morning.

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