[ExI] DNA - The Next Internet: True or False?

Will Steinberg steinberg.will at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 10:16:39 UTC 2010

Self-validating at every step.  Chooses few examples, and only ones that
seem to fit in.  And uses the "magic light" ideal of very, very old times to
explain things instead of quantum phenomena which may be the tiny grain of
truth contained therein.  Healing light?  May as well be swinging a crystal
pendulum over my head, chanting New Age bullshit.  Emlyn's quotes pretty
much sum up the worst stuff in the article.

The problem with this sort of thing is that people observe interesting
phenomena, but without others to bounce ideas off and refine originally wild
notions, the singular theorizing party feels the need to FINISH his or her
theory, leading said person to create ridiculous theories to fit into the
ridiculous seed, growing worse each moment peers aren't there to help.
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