[ExI] extropy-chat Digest, Vol 78, Issue 36
emlynoregan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 21:52:54 UTC 2010
On 18 March 2010 19:59, Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think that the belief that uploading will somehow reduce the impact of competition and corruption is a pipe dream. Lawrence Lessig addressed the generally unrecognized impact of code as a second form of law in his book. To quote Jefferson "have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him?" the infrastructure that this requires has to be built by somebody, and at least some of those will be corrupt. And the simple fact is that there isn't any way around that reality, virtual or not.
> There are counter examples. Linux is not corrupt. PGP is not
> corrupt. I don't see any reason that an AI or an upload environment
> could not be the same.
This is why I think that digital freedom will become the number one
political issue at some point in the first half of this century. Given
the recent speech by Obama confirming that the US is going to support
the bad guys on this, I guess we'll be doing it the hard way. I expect
at least one war to be fought over IP in the near future, as well as a
lot of civic strife worldwide.
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