[ExI] What SF do you plan to read next?

Max More max at maxmore.com
Sat Mar 27 19:42:56 UTC 2010

Excellent. That column seems to answer my question: Sladek's parody 
appears in his The Steam-Driven Boy (which is available, but pricey).

Langford (who I heard speak in the 80s when he spoke to the Oxford SF 
group, OUSFG) also mentions an *early* favorite of mine -- E.E. "Doc" 
Smith's Lensmen series. I still remember reading a passage from 
Children of the Lens in English class (I was maybe 11 at the time). A 
marvelous passage, in my mind, depicting someone ascending through 
higher levels of thought. Neither the teacher nor the rest of the 
class seemed to appreciate it.


>And, if you're interested in SF parody, I've just found this nice article
>Set Phasers to 'Spoof'
>SFX magazine column by David Langford: issue #40, July 1998

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