[ExI] Vit. D 5000 IU?

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Wed May 12 17:29:53 UTC 2010

Il 26/04/2010 15.12, Post Futurist ha scritto:
> Vitamin D is available in 5000 IU does. Is that dosage safe, or will
> it turn you into a frog, or something?

Vitamin D (colecalcioferol (spl?)) is available (in Italy) in vial of 
100.000 and 300.000 U.I (intramuscular / oral) (named DiBase), 5 vials/6 

Usually the effect on blood levels last 6-8 weeks (usually is 
recommended every 3 months), depend on the severity of the deficit and 
the pace of the metabolism.
The only way to know the effect is to measure the blood levels, as 
people is very different (age, skin color, metabolism, habits, other 
medications, etc.).

I take one vial (IM) every 2-3 months (I checked my level and was near 
the low limit). No collateral effects detected.

The most probable collateral effect is a hypercalcemy, but usually this 
is physiologic and not pathologic.


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