[ExI] extropy-chat Digest, Vol 80, Issue 6
Ben Zaiboc
bbenzai at yahoo.com
Fri May 14 13:23:31 UTC 2010
Spike scarily wrote:
> there is
> a really cool algorithm for generating arbitrarily many
> digits of e
> it is analogous to the
> proverbial
> jillions of monkeys pecking at typewriters, and one of them
> eventually
> theoretically produces the works of Shakespeare.
> one can
> easily imagine taking
> the algorithm and running it thru a digital compression
> scheme. Then take
> the compressed file and compress again. Repeat
> repeatedly, until one is
> left with a single bit, either a 1 or a 0. Reversing
> that process, the
> single bit could theoretically be decompressed, repeating
> repeatedly, to
> regenerate the e algorithm, which could then theoretically
> be run until it
> randomly generates every vile evil thing ever imagined or
> imaginable.
> So don't do it! Don't let your computer sit and
> generate e. Pi and phi are
> just as bad, for all the same reasons. By the same
> reasoning, either 1 or 0
> is evil, or rather contains the potential for all
> evil. We don't know which
> one it is, the 1 or the 0, but one of them must be
> unspeakably evil. I have
> always had a vague suspicion about that 0, and I just can't
> say I really
> trust the sneaky 1 either. Watch them closely, those
> rascally 0s or 1s, and
> don't try to decompress either of them a bunch of
> times. you never know
> what might pop out.
Spike, you've made me LOL and and also scared the becheezuz out of me!
I don't know whether to bust a gut laughing or quake in terror.
(It's really difficult to do both).
Ben Zaiboc
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